Hexagon #2: War of the Immortals

novel by Romain d'Huissier
adapted by Jean-Marc Lofficier
cover by Amar Djouad.

Blackie Sullivan, bathed in an aura as bright as the sun, took off like a rocket and hit Amon at a speed close to that of sound...

US$ 20.95/GBP 16.99
5x8 tpb, 244 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-64932-102-2

Black Lys. Rakar. The Mysterious Archer. The Dark Flyer. Fred “Blackie” Sullivan. Ra. Together they form Hexagon, the world's most powerful team of superheroes! 

Since Blackie’s recruitment, Hexagon is more powerful than ever! And now, with yet a new member in their roster, Ra, a mighty hero with psychic powers, the team must again face an alien attack on New York -- the first step in a plan to plunge the world into chaos...

Will Hexagon be up to this new challenge? Who is their mysterious enemy and who really hides behind the golden mask that covers his face? And above all, what does Ra know that could turn this perilous new adventure into THE WAR OF THE IMMORTALS! 

The Hexagon Universe is France's oldest and most exciting comics universe, having begun in 1953, and today encompassing hundreds of characters and thousands of stories, published in a half-dozen countries. This bew novel by Romain d’Huissier features some of Hexagon's best-loved characters.

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