Latest Releases

 Books - English

September 2024 (Black Coat Press) - THE ADVENTURES OF BEARCUB IRONSKULL by Gustave Aimard, translated by Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, cover by Phil Cohen. 
Deeply rooted in popular culture, the world of piracy has given rise to many familiar characters. From Captain Hook to Long John Silver, Captain Nemo to Jack Sparrow, the adventures of pirates have graced the pages of many novels and seen a multitude of film and television adaptations. Now welcome into these hallowed ranks Bearcub Ironskull from Tortuga Island, bent on looting the wealthy port city of Cartagena and reclaiming his lost love, Doña Erminia. Initially published in France in 1868, this seminal French pirate novel, predating Treasure Island (1882) by fourteen years, has been reprinted many times and is considered a classic of the genre. Its author, Gustave Aimard, was, in his time, as successful and popular as Eugène Sue and Paul Féval. He wrote approximately seventy novels and is still remembered today for his western and pirate novels, translated into fifteen languages.

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 Books - French

November 2023 (Rivière Blanche) - HARRY DICKSON ET LA SANGSUE ROUGE. edited by J-M. & R. Lofficier. cover by Mike Hoffman. stories by Atom Bezecny, Nicholas Boving, Bill Cunningham, Matthew Dennion, Martin Gately, Travis Hiltz, Paul Hugli, Nigel Malcolm, Jean-Marc Mouiller, Neal Penswick, Jean-Paul Raymond and Michel Stephan; edited by J.-M. Lofficier; cover by Mike Hoffman. Dans les brumes humides de Londres, Harry Dickson combat des monstres tels Gurrhu, l’Araignée et la Gorgone. Mais fort heureusement, il peut compter sur l’aide de champions tels le Sâr Dubnotal, Bulldog Drummond, Fascinax, Sexton Blake, Richard Wentworth...

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 Comics - English

August 2024 (Hexagon Comics USA) - STRANGERS #12: IN THE ERA OF KABUR. stories by Jean-Marc Lofficier; art by Eduardo Garcia, Manuel Martin Peniche, Christophe Ouvrard; cover by Manuel Martin Peniche. In this twelfth volume, Tanka, Homicron and Starlock have traveled back in time to the era of King Kabur to try to learn how the legendary hero once defeated the alien Wan Lords. Meanwhile, in the present, the C.L.A.S.H. has its hands full with Mr. 17, whose secret identity is at last revealed, while Futura comes across a new threat...

 Comics - French

September 2024 (Hexagon Comics France) - STRANGERS #6.11. 48 pages n&b - Scénario: J.-M. Lofficier - Dessins: Lofficier/Loayza/Vargas/Castro. Couverure: Manuel Loaza.
Dans ce numéro: trois histoires révélant des facettes insoupçonnées de ce vaste conflit déchirant le temps et l’espace... Le super-agent Flash et son équipe des Quatre Saisons déjoue l’une des machinations de Rodrik... Futura affronte Ceux-Qui-Ne-Sont-Pas-Nés... Et la Brigade Temporelle entre en scène afin de contrecarrer les plans du Chronophage... Avec en vedettes extraordinaires: X-101 et le Capitaine Rex.

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May 2019. LA VIE SELON STAN. 52-min documerntary directed by Thibaut Bertrand; written by Jean-Marc Lofficier; produced by Canal+ & Otago. A portrait of Stan Lee and the social and political influence of the Marvel Comics universe on American society.

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 Translations - Books

September 2024 (Black Coat Press) - THE ADVENTURES OF BEARCUB IRONSKULL by Gustave Aimard, translated by Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, cover by Phil Cohen. 
Deeply rooted in popular culture, the world of piracy has given rise to many familiar characters. From Captain Hook to Long John Silver, Captain Nemo to Jack Sparrow, the adventures of pirates have graced the pages of many novels and seen a multitude of film and television adaptations. Now welcome into these hallowed ranks Bearcub Ironskull from Tortuga Island, bent on looting the wealthy port city of Cartagena and reclaiming his lost love, Doña Erminia. Initially published in France in 1868, this seminal French pirate novel, predating Treasure Island (1882) by fourteen years, has been reprinted many times and is considered a classic of the genre. Its author, Gustave Aimard, was, in his time, as successful and popular as Eugène Sue and Paul Féval. He wrote approximately seventy novels and is still remembered today for his western and pirate novels, translated into fifteen languages.

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 Translations - Comics

April 2024 (Hexagon Comics USA) - BEN LEONARD, LORD OF LIGHT #1. story & art by Guido Zamperoni, adapted by J.-M. & R. Lofficier. cover by Alfredo Macall.
Twenty-five year-old Ben Leonard, a journalist working for the newspaper The Globe, suddenly discovers that he is the reincarnation of the mythical Egyptian sun-god Râ, the Lord of Light and King of Heliopolis, a legendary “lost city” of mysterious Immortals, which once gave rise to the Ancient Egyptians’ pantheon. Murdered by his evil and jealous brother Set, Râ’s soul was hidden inside a mortal body for millennia by the powers of the wise Thô, to await the time for him to rise again. Having now recovered his true identity and powers, Ben’s awesome task is to defeat Set and free the Immortals of Heliopolis whom the villainous Set has turned to stone. His only allies in this tremendous battle are his two colleagues, journalists Pip and Lucy. Ben Leonard made his first appearance in 1971 in Kiwi magazine. It was the creation of Milanese artist Guido Zamperoni (1912-2003).

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February 2024. (Black Coat Press). DR. CORNELIUS VS COUNTESS PETROVSKA by Brian Gallagher. Foreword. The fate of the mysterious criminal mastermind known as Dr. Cornelius was left uncertain at the end of Gustave Le Rouge's 1913 classic The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius. Now, Brian Gallagher reveals how the diabolical Doctor escaped justice, selling his surgical skills to whomever pays best.

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Comics Characters created, co-created or re-created...

During the many years Jean-Marc & Randy worked in American comics (as "R.J.M. Lofficier), often in collaboration with great writers such as Roy Thomas, Marv Wolfman, Len Wein and Gerry Conway, they have created, co-created and re-created a number of popular characters, as well as a few obscure ones (such as Marvel's buccaneer, CAPTAIN TYGER (right). Discover below lists of the characters they worked on:

Deadpool / Wolverine


October 2024 (Black Coat Press) -DOC ARDAN: THE HURRICANE MASTER + THE SECRET OF FRIGIDOPOLIS by Guy d'Armen adapted by Michael Shreve; introduced & edited by Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier; cover by Nathan Colot. 
October 2024 (Hexagon Comics USA) - THE PARTISANS #3: WAR'S END. Stories by J.-M. Lofficer, Thierry Mornet; Art: Mario Guevara, Luciano Bernasconi; cover: Luciano Bernasconi.
October 2024 (Hexagon Comics France) - STRANGERS #6.12. Story by Jean-Marc Lofficier. Art by Gabriel Mayorga; cover by Roberto Castro.
November 2024 (Black Coat Press) - FRENCH TALES OF VAMPIRES #2. stories by Étienne-Léon de Lamothe-Langon, Paul Féval and Léon Gozlan. translated by Brian Stableford. edited by J.-M. & Randy Lofficier; cover by Mike Hoffman.
November 2024 (Hexagon Comics France) - STRANGERS #6.13. Story by Jean-Marc Lofficier. Art &  cover by Manuel Martin Peniche.


October 2023: Jean-Marc interviewed on the METROPOLIS ELSEWORLD TRILOGY (DC).

December 2022. Jean-Marc interviewed on First Comics on TIGER & THE EYE.

October 2022. Jean-Marc interviewed on First Comics on WAMPUS!

March 2022. Jean-Marc interviewed on First Comics on CAPTAIN UKRAINE!

July 2021. Jean-Marc interviewed on Sanctuary on LOKI (in French)!