#81 (Nov. 1961)
Le Marchand d'Eau
(The Water Merchant)
(rep. in No. 74)

#82 (Dec. 1961)
Sommation sans frais (Injunction Without Costs) (The Inland Revenue)
(rep. in No. 7)
#83 (Jan. 1962)
Les Gentes Dames
(The Gentle Ladies)
(rep. in No. 74)
#84 (Febr. 1962)
Le Grand Fourgue
(The High Fence)
(rep. in No. 13)
#85 (March 1962)
Le Saint sème le doute
(The Saint Sows a Seed of Doubt)
(The Element of Doubt)
(rep. in No. 74)
#86 (April 1962)
L'Auberge Mystérieuse
(The Mysterious Inn) (The
Case of the Frightened Innkeeper)
(rep. in No. 13)
(Not to be confused with L'Auberge des Mauvais Garçons
in No.5)
#87 (May 1962)
L'Homme qui était mort
(The Man Who Was Dead)
(The Higher Finance)
(rep. in No. 11)

#88 (June 1962)
L'Homme qui ne pouvait pas mourir
(The Man Who Could Not Die)
(rep. in No. 18)
#89 (July 1962)
Les Travailleurs Intellectuels
(The Brain Workers)
(rep. in No. 76)
#90 (Aug. 1962)
Un Million de Livres
(A Million Pounds)
(The Million Pound Day)
(rep. in No. 7)
#91 (Sept. 1962)
Le Saint contre Francis Lemuel
(The Saint vs. Francis Lemuel)
(The Logical Adventure)
(rep. in No. 18)
#92 (Oct. 1962)
L'Auberge des Mauvais Garçons
("L'Auberge Mystérieuse")
(The Mysterious Inn)
(The National Debt)
(rep. in No. 5)
#93 (Nov. 1962)
L'Aventure Espagnole
(The Spanish Adventure)
(The Spanish War)
(rep. in No. 16)
#94 (Dec. 1962)
Le Thé Miracle
(The Miracle Tea)
(The Miracle Tea Party)
(rep. in No. 12)
#95 (Jan. 1963)
Le Saint s'en va t-en guerre
(The Saint Goes To War)
(The Wonderful War)
(rep. in No. 13)
#96 (Feb. 1963)
Le Saint, Hoppy
et le Livre Noir
(The Saint, Hoppy and the Black Book)
(The Simon Templar Foundation)
(rep. in No. 11)
#97 (Mar. 1963)
Le Millionaire Invisible
(The Invisible Millionaire)
(rep. in No. 12)
#98 (April 1963)
Lasserre & Co, Regent Street
(The Man Who Was Clever)
(rep. in No. 18)
#99 (May 1963)
Le Précieux Pirate
(The Precious Pirate)
(The Helpful Pirate)
(rep. in No. 77)
#100 (June 1963)
Mr. Ellshaw
(The Elusive Ellshaw)
(rep. in No. 22)
#101 (July 1963)
Le Gros Gibier
(The Bigger Game)
(rep. in No. 77)

#102 (Aug. 1963)
La Tête de la Poupée
(The Doll's Head)
(rep. in No. 26)

#103 (Sep. 1963)
Une Opération de Propreté
(A Cleaning Operation)
(The Cleaner Cure)
(rep. in No. 77)

#104 (Oct. 1963)
Au Bord de la tombe
(On the Edge of the Grave)
(rep. in No. 26)
#105 (Nov. 1963)
Le Réformateur Intempérant
(The Intemperate Reformer)
(rep. in No. 77)
#106 (Dec. 1963)
Le Saint au Far West
(rep. in No. 20)
#107 (Jan. 1964)
L'Incurable Cabotin
(The Uncured Ham)
(rep. in No. 77)
#108 (Feb. 1964)
Le Casier à Bouteilles
(The Wine Bottle Rack)
(rep. in No. 27)
#109 (March 1964)
De l'Utilité d'un Monstre (The Convenient Monster)
(rep. in No. 77)
#110 (April 1964)
Le Train des Lions
(The Lions Train)
(rep. in No. 28)
#111 (May 1964)
King Olsen
(King Olsen)
(rep. in No. 28)

#112 (June 1964)
Le Saint et les Prospecteurs
(The Saint and the Prospectors)
(Never reprinted)
#113 (July 1964)
De Soja à Textile
(From Soja to Textile)
(rep. in No. 26)

#114 (August 1964)
La Meilleure Souricière
(The Better Mousetrap)
(rep. in No. 78)
#115 (Sept. 1964)
Le Carillon
(The Bells)
(rep. in No. 27)
#116 (Oct. 1964)
Le Tapis Philippin
(The Filipino Carpet)
(rep. in No. 27)

#117 (Nov. 1964)
L'Affreux Impressario
(The Ugly Impresario)
(rep. in No. 78)
#118 (Dec. 1964)
Une Mission du Saint (The Saint's Mission)
(rep. in No. 28)

#119 (Dec. 1964)
Un Joueur Philanthrope
(aka "Un Avare Prodigue")
(The Prodigal Miser)
(rep. in No. 78)

#120 (Feb. 1965)
Le Roi des Mendiants (1) (The King of Beggars)
(rep. in No. 23)