#41 (July 1958)
Le Saint et le Profiteur
(The Profiteer)
(The Well-Meaning Mayor)
(rep. in No. 24)
#42 (Aug. 1958)
(The Old Routine)
(rep. in No. 25)
#43 (Sept. 1958)
Le Saint devient Sourcier
(The Saint Becomes A Water Dowser)
(The Lovelorn Sheik)
(rep. in No. 57)

#44 (Oct. 1958)
Le Saint et l'Usurier
(The Saint and the Usurer)
(The Perfect Crime)
(rep. in No. 24)
#45 (Nov. 1958)
(The Foolish Frail)
(rep. in No. 25)
#46 (Dec. 1958)
Le Saint et le Financier
(The Financier)
(The Unfortunate Financier)
(rep. in No. 24)
#47 (Jan. 1959)
(The Lovely Sinner)
(rep. in No. 25)
#48 (Febr. 1959)
Le Saint et la Comtesse
(The Countess)
(The Charitable Countess)
(rep. in No. 24)
#49 (March. 1959)
(The Homecoming of
Amadeo Urselli)
(rep. in No. 25)
#50 (April 1959)
Le Saint joue et perd
(The Saint Plays
and Loses)
(The Treasure
of Turk's Lane)
(rep. in No. 24)
#51 (May 1959)
(The Uncertain Widow)
(rep. in No. 25)
#52 (June 1959)
Le Testament
(The Testament)
(The Wicked Cousin)
(rep. in No. 24)
#53 (July 1959)
(The Saint and the Double Badger)
(rep. in No. 25)
#54 (Aug. 1959)
Le Saint et les Faiseurs d'Etoiles
(The Star Makers)
(The Star Producers)
(rep. in No. 24)
#55 (Sept. 1959)
(The Darker Drink)
(rep. in No. 25)
#56 (Oct. 1959)
Le Saint et
le Nouveau Riche
(The Benevolent Burglary)
(rep. in No. 24)
#57 (Nov. 1959)
Les Lunettes du Saint
(The Saint's Glasses)
(The Mug's Game)
(rep. in No. 24)
#58 (Dec. 1959)
Le Saint et les escrocs
("Le Saint n'aime pas les escrocs")
(The Saint Does Not Like Swindlers)
(The Bunco Artists)
(rep. in No. 63)
#59 (Jan. 1960)
Gibet à Louer
(Gallows For Rent)
(The Happy Suicide)
(rep. in No. 63)
#60 (Febr. 1960)
L'Homme aux Jouets
(The Toy Man)
(The Man Who Liked Toys)
(rep. in No. 24)
#61 (March 1960)
Un Médicament du Tonnerre
(The Good Medicine)
(rep. in No. 63)

#62 (April 1960)
Le Mot Accusateur
(The Accusatory Word)
(The Unescapable Word)
(rep. in No. 63)
#63 (May 1960)
Le Gogo Ideal
(The Perfect Sucker)
(rep. in No. 63)
#64 (June 1960)
La Machine Infernale
(The Infernal Device)
(The Careful Terrorist)
(rep. in No. 63)
#65 (July 1960)
Escroquerie à la Révolution
(The Revolution Racket)
(rep. in No. 67)
#66 (Aug. 1960)
Les Perles de Paix
(The Pearls of Peace)
(rep. in No. 67)
#67 (Sept. 1960)
Une Femme Romanesque
(A Romantic Woman)
(The Romantic Matron)
(rep. in No. 67)
#68 (Oct. 1960)
La Femme Sans loi
aka "Dicky Tremayne"
(The Lawless Lady)
(rep. in No. 9)
#69 (Nov. 1960)
La Grenouille d'Or
(The Golden Frog)
(rep. in No. 67)
#70 (Dec. 1960)
La Couronne de Tcherkassie
(The Crown of Tcherkassia)
(The Prince of Tcherkessia)
(rep. in No. 24)
#71 (Jan. 1961)
Le Saint et les Fourmis
(The Ants)
(The Man Who Liked Ants)
(rep. in No. 24)
#72 (Febr. 1961)
Simon Templar
contre le Saint
(Simon Templar
vs. the Saint)
(The Art of Alibi)
(rep. in No. 11)
#73 (March 1961)
Le policeman fantôme
("Roger Conway")
(The Policeman with Wings)
(rep. in No. 9)

#74 (April 1961)
L'Honorable M. Hogsbotham
(The Hon. Mr. Hogsbotham)
(The Affair of Hogsbotham)
(rep. in No. 12)
#75 (May 1961)
Une Femme Aimante
(A Loving Wife)
(The Ever-Loving Spouse)
(rep. in No. 74)

#76 (June 1961)
La Jeune Fille Blonde
(The Young Blonde Girl) (The Unlicensed Victuallers)
(rep. in No. 16)
#77 (July 1961)
Un Terrain qui rapporte
(The Fruitful Land)
(rep. in No. 74)

#78 (Aug. 1961)
Le Saint contre Mr. Z... (The
Saint vs. Mr. Z...) (The Beauty
(rep. in No. 16)
#79 (Sept. 1961)
Pair et Impair
(Even and Odd)
(The Percentage Player)
(rep. in No. 74)
#80 (Oct. 1961)
Le Mélancolique Voyage de l'Inspecteur Teal
(The Melancholy Journey of Mr. Teal)
(rep. in No. 7)