#121 (March 1965)
Le Roi des Mendiants (2) (The
King of Beggars)
(rep. in No. 23)
#122 (April 1965)
Deux Femmes Rapides
(The Fast Women)
(rep. in No. 78)
#123 (May 1965)
Le Joyeux Croque-Mort
(The Jolly Undertaker)
(rep. in No. 78)
#124 (June 1965)
L'Ange Masqué (1)
(The Masked Angel)
(rep. in No. 23)
#125 (July 1965)
L'Ange Masqué (2)
(The Masked Angel)
(rep. in No. 23)
#126 (Aug. 1965)
Le Prisonnier Russe
(The Russian Prisoner)
(rep. in No. 78)
#127 (Sept. 1965)
Le Saint à Hollywood (1)
(rep. in No. 20)
#128 (Oct. 1965)
Le Saint à Hollywood (2)
(rep. in No. 20)
#129 (Nov. 1965)
L'Héritière sans espoir
(The Hopeless Heiress)
(rep. in No. 78)
#130 (Dec. 1965)
Vendetta pour le Saint 1
(Vendetta for the Saint)
(Never reprinted)
#131 (Jan. 1966)
Vendetta pour le Saint 2
(Vendetta for the Saint)
(Never reprinted)
#132 (Feb. 1966)
Vendetta pour le Saint 3
(Vendetta for the Saint)
(Never reprinted)
#133 (March 1966)
Vendetta pour le Saint 4
(Vendetta for the Saint)
(Never reprinted)

#134 (April 1966)
Vendetta pour le Saint 5
(Vendetta for the Saint)
(Never reprinted)
#135 (May 1966)
Vendetta pour le Saint 6
(Vendetta for the Saint)
(Never reprinted)
#136 (June 1966)
Le Saint et
le Marché Noir (1)
(The Black Market)
(rep. in No. 14)
#137 (July 1966)
Le Saint et
le Marché Noir (2)
(The Black Market)
(rep. in No. 14)
#138 (Aug. 1966)
Le Saboteur Grillé (1)
(The Sizzling Saboteur)
(rep. in No. 14)
#139 (Sept. 1966)
Le Saboteur Grillé (2)
(The Sizzling Saboteur)
(rep. in No. 14)
#140 (Oct. 1966)
L'Homme qui pouvait faire de l'or (1)
(The Man Who Could Make Gold)
(The Gold Standard)
(rep. in No. 8)

#141 (Nov. 1966)
L'Homme qui pouvait faire de l'or (2)
(The Man Who Could Make Gold)
(The Gold Standard)
(rep. in No. 8)

#142 (Dec. 1966)
Galbraith Stride fut pendu (1)
(Galbraith Stride Was Hung)
(The Death Penalty)
(rep. in No. 8)

#143 (Jan. 1967)
Galbraith Stride fut pendu (2)
(Galbraith Stride Was Hung)
(The Death Penalty)
(rep. in No. 8)
#144 (Febr. 1967)
(No Saint story)

#145 (March 1967)
(No Saint story)

#146 (April 1967)
(No Saint story)
#147 (May 1967)
(No Saint story)

#148 (June 1967)
(No Saint story)
#149 (July 1967)
(No Saint story)
#150 (Aug. 1967)
(No Saint story)
#151 (Sept. 1967)
Amours, Gadgets et Colonel (1)
(Love, Gadgets and Colonel)
(The Gadget Lovers)
(w/ John Kruse &
Fleming Lee)
(Never reprinted)

#152 (Oct. 1967)
Amours, Gadgets et Colonel (2)
(Love, Gadgets and Colonel)
(The Gadget Lovers)
(w/ John Kruse &
Fleming Lee)
(Never reprinted)
#153 (Nov. 1967)
Un Puissant Artiste (1)
(The Power Artist)
(w/ Fleming Lee)
(reprinted in a
different translation in
The Saint à la Télévision,
LdP 5456)

#154 (Dec. 1967)
Un Puissant Artiste (2)
(The Power Artist)
(w/ Fleming Lee)
(reprinted in a
different translation in
The Saint à la Télévision,
LdP 5456)