#1 (Mar. 1955)
Tristan, c'est Yseult (Tristan, It's Yseult)
(The Unkind Philantropist)
(rep. in No. 51)

#2 (April 1955)
Un Mari de Talent
(The Talented Husband)
(rep. in No. 57)

#3 (May 1955)
Un Détective à la Coule
(A Corrupt Detective)
(The Smart Detective)
(rep. in No. 69)

#4 (June 1955)
Une Charmante Famille
(A Charming Family)
(The Loving Brothers)
(rep. in No. 69)

#5 (July 1955)
Le Saint donne la question
(The Saint Uses The Question)
(The Appalling Politician)
(rep. in No. 76)

#6 (Aug. 1955)
L'Homme qui croyait avoir de la chance
(The Man Who Believed Himself To Be Lucky)
(The Man Who Was Lucky)
(rep. in No. 69)

#7 (Sept. 1955)
Une Chasse au Trésor
(Treasure Hunt)
(The Old Treasure Story)
(rep. in No. 51)

#8 (Oct. 1955)
Le Saint relève le défi
(The Saint takes on the challenge)
(The Covetous Headsman)
(rep. in No. 45)
#9 (Nov. 1955)
Traduction Libre
(Free Translation)
(The Latin Touch)
(rep. in No. 45)

#10 (Dec. 1955)
Quand le poisson a sa chance
(When The Fish Has Its Chance)
(The Sporting Chance)
(rep. in No. 57)

#11 (Jan. 1956)
Le Saint Devient Alchimiste
(The Saint Becomes an Alchemist)
(The Mixture as Before)
(rep. in No. 69)

#12 (Feb. 1956)
L'Oeil d'Ange
(The Angel's Eye)
(rep. in No. 45)
#13 (March 1956)
La Fille du Rhin
(The Rhine Maiden)
(rep. in No. 45)
#14 (Apr. 1956)
Le Touriste Assassiné
(The Murdered Tourist)
(The Loaded Tourist)
(rep. in No. 45)
#15 (May 1956)
Le Saint chez les Nudistes
(With the Nudists)
(The Reluctant Nudist)
(rep. in No. 57)

#16 (June 1956)
Une Femme Parfaite
(A Perfect Woman)
(The Pluperfect Lady)
(rep. in No. 57)
#17 (July 1956)
Une Demoiselle en Détresse
(The Damsel in Distress)
(rep. in No. 69)
#18 (Aug. 1956)
L'Hélicoptère Newdick
(The Newdick Helicopter)
(rep. in No. 69)
(Note: Same cover art as No. 76)
#19 (Sept. 1956)
Choc en Retour
(Shock in Return)
(The Art Photographer)
(rep. in No. 69)

#20 (Oct. 1956)
Une Leçon de Conduite
(A Driving Lesson)
(The Sleepless Knight)
(rep. in No. 69)

#21 (Nov. 1956)
Un Placement à Long-Terme
(A Long-Term Investment)
(The Tall Timber)
(rep. in No. 69)
#22 (Dec. 1956)
Le Saint s'occupe d'exportation
(The Export Trade)
(rep. in No. 76)
#23 (Jan. 1957)
Le Pêcheur pris à l'hameçon
(The Fisherman Caught In His Own Hook)
(The Effete Angler)
(rep. in No. 51)
#24 (Feb. 1957)
Le Noble Sportsman
(The Noble Sportsman)
(rep. in No. 51)
(Never reprinted)
#25 (March 1957)
Le Commissaire Noir
(The Black Commissar)
(rep. in No. 51)
#26 (April 1957)
Le Handicap des Propriétaires
(The Owners' Handicap)
(rep. in No. 76)
#27 (May 1957)
J'irai à Sibao
(I'll Go To Sibao)
(The Questing Tycoon)
(rep. in No. 51)
#28 (Juin 1957)
Un Dur de Dur
(The Tough Egg)
(rep. in No. 76)

#29 (July 1957)
Un Curieux Baron
(A Curious Baron)
(The Bad Baron)
(rep. in No. 76)
#30 (Aug. 1957)
Le Bouddha de Cuivre
(The Brass Buddha)
(rep. in No. 76)
#31 (Sept. 1957)
Un Mauvais Propriétaire
(A Bad Landlord)
(The Unpopular Landlord)
(rep. in No. 69)
#32 (Oct. 1957)
Une Escroquerie Nouvelle
(The New Swindle)
(rep. in No. 76)
#33 (Nov. 1957)
Un Baiser de Cinq Mille Livres
(The Five Thousand Pound Kiss)
(rep. in No. 76)
#34 (Dec. 1959)
Le Marchand d'Oseille
(The Green Goods Man)
(rep. in No. 76)
#35 (Jan. 1958)
Le Talon d'Achille
(Achilles' Heel)
(The Blind Spot)
(rep. in No. 76)
#36 (Feb. 1958)
Une Conclusion Inattendue
(An Unexpected Conclusion)
(The Unusual Ending)
(rep. in No. 76)
#37 (March 1958)
La Croisière de la Christabel
(The Christabel Cruise)
(The Unblemished Bootlegger)
(rep. in No. 24)
#38 (April 1958)
Le Saint et le Colonel
(The Colonel)
(The Ingenuous Colonel)
(rep. in No. 24)
#39 (May 1958)
Un Modèle de patience
(A Model of Patience)
(The Patient Playboy)
(rep. in No. 57)
#40 (June 1958)
(The Naughty Niece)
(rep. in No. 25)