Article Page 1
Article Page 2
Article Page 3
Article Page 4
Article Page 5
Cover Gallery 1
Cover Gallery 2
Cover Gallery 3
Cover Gallery 4
Cover Gallery 5
Cover Gallery 6
Cover Gallery 7
German covers by Regino Bernad
Le Saint Detective Magazine 1
Le Saint Detective Magazine 2
Le Saint Detective Magazine 3
Le Saint Detective Magazine 4
About Nero Wolfe & The Toff
About artist
Regino Bernad
The Saint on French Radio
Text Comparisons
De Saint (The Dutch Saint)

© 2008 Rinus Daane.

(listed according to Fayard's numbering)
Fayard 1. Le Saint à New York (The Saint in New York)
ZB 1014: De Saint in New York
(translation: Havank)
Original publication in 1938 in the "Balkenserie" as "De Saint in New York"
Reprinted; 4th printing in 1950 in "Boek van de Maand"
Reprinted in 1967 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1014); reprints in 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971 & 2005 (Gouden
Beer) (all same cover design)

1938 + 1950 + 1967 + 2005
Fayard 2. L'Héroïque Aventure (Knight Templar/The Avenging
Ridder Templar (translation: Havank)
Original publication in 1937 most probably in the "Balkenserie" as "Ridder Templar" (1941 edition
shown below)
Reprinted in 1952 in "Boek van de Maand"

1941 + 1952
Fayard 3. Les Anges des Ténèbres (The Saint Meets His Match/Angels
of Doom/She Was a Lady)
ZB 218: De Saint en de vlinder
(translation: Eva Raedt de Canter)
Original publication 1937 in the "Balkenserie" as "Jill
als vrouw"
Reprinted in 1951 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint en de vlinder" (not available)
Reprinted in 1959 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 218); reprints in 1961 & 1981 (different cover)
1959 + 1980
Fayard 4. La Justice du Saint (Saint Overboard/The Pirate Saint)
De Saint overboord (translation:
Original publication in 1938 in the "Balkenserie" as "De Saint overboord"
Reprinted; 2nd printing 1947?, as soft cover version (Belgian printing), same illustration

Fayard 5. Le Saint et les Mauvais Garçons (Alias the Saint)
-- Le Dragon de Bronze (The Impossible Crime)
in ZB 745 "Saint Magazine 13"
as "De onmogelijke misdaad".
-- L'Auberge Mystérieuse aka L'Auberge des Mauvais Garçons (The
National Debt) (Not published?)
-- Le Mort Vivant (The Story of a Dead Man)
(Not published?)
Fayard 6. Le Saint et l'Archiduc (Getaway)
ZB 4: De Saint en de blauwe diamant
(translation: Eva Raedt de Canter)
Original publication in 1938 in the "Balkenserie" as "De
wilde jacht" (ill. Tanner)
Reprinted in 1951 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint treedt
op" (dustjacket not available)
Reprinted in 1955 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 4) as "De Saint en de blauwe diamant"; reprint
in 1956 (all same cover)
Reprinted in 1961 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 468) as "De
Saint treedt op"; reprints in 1962 & 1963 (same cover)
Also in "Dubbel Detective"

1938 + 1955 + 1961
Fayard 7. Le Saint à Londres (The Saint versus Scotland Yard/The
Holy Terror)
Original publication in 1947 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De
schrik der dieven" (translation: Eva Raedt de Canter) (illustration
-- Sommation sans frais (The Inland Revenue)
as "De schrik der dieven".
-- Un Million de Livres (The Million Pound Day)
as "Italiaansch capriccio".
-- Le Mélancolique Voyage de l'Inspecteur Teal (The Melancholy Journey
of Mr. Teal) as "Dieven en diamanten"; also in ZB 564 "Saint Magazine 7 as "De droeve
reis van meneer Teal".

Fayard 8. Ici le Saint ! (Once More the Saint/The Saint & Mr. Teal)
ZB 584: De Saint duikt op (translation:
Eva de Raedt de Canter)
Original publication in 1947 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint duikt op" (illustration: Tanner)
Reprinted in 1963 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 584); reprints 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970 & 1976 (all
same cover)
-- L'Homme qui pouvait faire de l'or (The Man Who Could Make Gold) (The Gold Standard) as "De Saint duikt
-- Galbraith Stride fut pendu (Galbraith Stride Was Hung) (The Death Penalty) as "Ter dood veroordeeld"
ZB 584 also contains:
-- Patricia Holm (The Man from St. Louis) as "De man uit St. Louis"
Fayard 9. Les Compagnons du Saint (Once More the Saint/The Saint &
Mr. Teal) & (Enter the Saint)
Not published by Bruna?
-- Patricia Holm (The Man from St. Louis). In ZB 584 "De Saint duikt
op as "De man uit St. Louis"
-- Roger Conway (The Policeman with Wings) (Not published?)
-- Dicky Tremayne (The Lawless Lady) (Not published?)
Fayard 10. The Saint à Teneriffe (The Saint Bids Diamonds/Thieves'
ZB 892: De Saint in Tenerife (translation:
Original publication in 1940 in "Balkenserie" as "Dievenkermis" (ill Tanner)
Reprinted in 1947? as softcover version (Belgian printing) (same cover)
Reprinted in 1965 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 892) as "The Saint in Tenerife"; reprints 1966,
1968, & 1979 (different cover)

1940/1947? + 1965 + 1979
Fayard 11. Le Saint contre Teal (The Misfortunes of Mr.Teal/The Saint in
London/The Saint in England)
ZB 1064: De Saint stichting (translation:
R.A.G. Nahuys)
Original publication in 1947 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De
Saint stichting" (translation R.A.G. Nahuys) (illustration: Tanner)
Reprinted in 1967 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1064); reprints in 1969 & 1970 (twice) (all same cover)
-- "Le Saint, Hoppy et le Livre Noir" (The Simon Templar Foundation) as "De Saint stichting"
also in ZB 744 "Saint Magazine 12
as "Het Simon Templar fonds"
-- L'Homme qui était mort (The Higher Finance) as "Haute finance"
-- Simon Templar contre le Saint (The Art of Alibi) as "De kunst van 't scheppen van een alibi". Not
published in ZB 1064.

Fayard 12. En Suivant le Saint (Follow the Saint)
ZB 705: Volg de Saint (translation:
Original publication in 1941 in the "Balkenserie" as "Volg
de Saint" (ill Tanner)
Reprinted in 1963 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 705); no known reprints
-- Le Thé Miracle (The Miracle Tea Party) as "Mr. Teal's wonderthee kuur"
-- Le Millionaire Invisible (The Invisible Millionaire) as "De onzichtbare miljonair"
-- L'Honorable M. Hogsbotham (The Affair of Hogsbotham) as "Het geval Hogsbotham"

1941 + 1963
Fayard 13. Le Saint s'en va t-en guerre (Featuring the Saint) & (The Saint Goes On)
Not published by Bruna?
-- Le Saint s'en va t-en guerre (The Wonderful War) (Not published?)
-- Le Grand Fourgue (The High Fence) (Not published?)
-- L'Auberge Mystérieuse (The Case of the Frightened Innkeeper) (Not published?)
Fayard 14. Le Saint contre le Marché Noir (The Saint on Guard)
De zwarte markt (translation:
W.J. Merckens)
Original publication before 1945 most probably in the "Balkenserie" as "De
zwarte markt" (not available)
Reprinted; 2nd printing in 1950 in "Boek van de Maand" (dustjacket not available)
-- Le Saint contre le Marché Noir (The Black Market) as "De Zwarte Markt"
-- Le Saboteur Grillé (The Sizzling Saboteur) as "De Smeulende Saboteur"
Fayard 15. Le Saint Joue... et Gagne (The Saint Plays With Fire/Prelude
for War)
ZB 704: Pro of contra de Saint? (translation:
Original publication most probably before 1950; series and binding unknown
Reprinted; 2nd printing 1950 in "Boek van de Maand" as "Pro en Contra de Saint" (dustjacket
not available)
Reprinted in 1963 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 704) as "Pro of contra de Saint?"; no known reprints

Fayard 16. Le Saint contre Mr. Z... (The Saint in Action/The Ace of Knaves)
ZB 891: De Saint en de Z-man (translation:
Eva Raedt de Canter)
Original publication in 1939 as "De Z-man"
(ill Tanner)
Reprinted in 1965 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 891) as "De
Saint en de Z-man"; reprints in 1966 & 1968 (same cover)
-- Le Saint contre Mr. Z... (The Beauty Specialist) as "De schoonheidsspecialist"
-- L'Aventure Espagnole (The Spanish War) as "De hoofdinspecteur strijdt alweer tevergeefs"
-- La Jeune Fille Blonde (The Unlicensed Victuallers) as "Clandestiene jeneverstokers". In ZB 905 Saint Magazine 16 as Dranksmokkel".

1939 + 1965
Fayard 17. Le Saint à Miami (The Saint in Miami)
ZB 583: De Saint in Miami (translation:
J.W. Merckens)
Original publication in 1949 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint in Miami".
Reprinted in 1954 in "Balkenserie"
Reprinted in 1962 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 583); reprints in 1963 & 1970 (same cover)

1949 + 1954 + 1962
Fayard 18. La Marque du Saint (Enter the Saint)
& (Featuring the Saint)
Not published by Bruna?
-- Lasserre & Co, Regent Street (The Man Who Was Clever) (Not published?)
-- Le Saint contre Francis Lemuel (The Logical Adventure) (Not published?)
-- L'Homme qui ne pouvait pas mourir (The Man Who Could Not Die) (Not published?)
Fayard 19. Mais le Saint troubla la fête (The Saint Steps In)
ZB 1063: De Saint op het oorlogspad (translation:
Eva Raedt de Canter)
Original publication most probably before 1955 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint op het oorlogspad"
(not available)
Reprinted in 1967 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 583); reprints in 1968 (twice), 1970 & 1971 (all same

Fayard 20. The Saint au Far-West (The Saint Goes West)
ZB 483: De Saint trekt Westwaarts (translation:
Original publication most probably before 1954 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint trekt Westwaarts"
Reprinted in 1954 in "Balkenserie"
Reprinted in 1962 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 483); reprints in 1970 & 1975 (all same cover)
-- Le Saint au Far West (Arizona) as "Arizona"
-- Le Saint à Hollywood (Hollywood) as "Hollywood"
The Dutch versions include: "Palm Springs"
1954 + 1962
Fayard 21. Le Saint, Cookie et Cie. (The Saint Sees It Through)
ZB 1109: De Saint en de zangeres (translation:
Original publication in 1950 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint en de zangeres" (dustjacket
not available)
Reprinted most probably in 1954 in "Balkenserie" (not available)
Reprinted in 1967 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1109); reprints in 1969 (twice), 1970 & 1972 (all same

Fayard 22. Le Saint conduit le Bal (The Saint Goes On)
& (The Saint Goes West)
Not published in this form by Bruna.
-- L'insaisissable Mr. Ellshaw (The Elusive Ellshaw) (Not published?)
-- Le Saint à Palm Springs (Palm Springs). In ZB 483 "De Saint
trekt westwaarts" as "Palm Springs"
Fayard 23. On Demande le Saint (Call for the Saint)
484: De Saint en de blinde bedelaar
(translation: Havank)
Original publication in 1950 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint en de blinde bedelaar"
Reprinted in 1962 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 484); reprints in 1970 & 1975 (all same cover)
-- L'Ange Masqué (The Masked Angel) as "De gemaskerde engel"
-- Le Roi des Mendiants (The King of Beggars) as "De Saint en de blinde bedelaar

1950 + 1962
Fayard 24. Le Saint s'amuse (The Brightest Buccaneer
& The Saint Intervenes &
The Happy Highwayman)
+ From The Brightest Buccaneer:
-- La Croisière de la Christabel (The Unblemished Bootlegger) (Not published?)
-- Le Saint et l'Usurier (The Perfect Crime) (Not published?)
+ From The Saint Intervenes/Boodle
(translation: Havank)
Original publication in 1950 in "Boek van de Maand", reprinted (2nd printing) in 1950 as "De Saint en de financiers" - Stories partly
in Fayard 24 and partly in Fayard 69.
Reprinted in 1954 in "Balkenserie "
Reprinted in 1967 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1112); reprints in 1969, 1970 & 1971 (all same cover)
-- Le Saint et le Financier (The Unfortunate Financier) as "De onfortuinlijke financier"
-- Le Saint et le Colonel (The Ingenuous Colonel) as "De vernuftige colonel"
-- Le Saint joue et perd (The Treasure of Turk's Lane) as "De begraven schat in de Turkenlaan" also in
ZB 512 Saint Magazine 3 as "De
schat uit Turk's steeg"
-- L'Homme aux Jouets (The Man Who Liked Toys) (Not published?)
-- La Couronne de Tcherkassie (The Prince of Tcherkessia) as "De prins van Cherkessia".also in ZB 745 Saint Magazine 13 as "De prins van
+ From The Happy Highwayman (translation:
Original publication in 1951 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De
Saint of de vrolijke struikrover" - see also Fayard 69
Reprinted in 1967 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1016) as "De
Saint doet aan liefdadigheid"; reprints 1968 & 1969 (twice)
-- Le Saint et la Comtesse (The Charitable Countess) as "De liefdadige gravin"
-- Le Testament (The Wicked Cousin) (Not published?)
-- Le Saint et les Faiseurs d'Etoiles (The Star Producers) as "De dure komedie"
-- Le Saint et le Nouveau Riche (The Benevolent Burglary) as "Inbraak met goede bedoelingen"
-- Les Lunettes du Saint (The Mug's Game) as "Kaartspelen met en zonder bril"
-- Le Saint et le Profiteur (The Well-Meaning Mayor) as "De man met goede bedoelingen"
-- Le Saint et les Fourmis (The Man Who Liked Ants) (Not published?)
De Saint of de vrolijke struikrover

ZB 1016: De Saint doet aan liefdadigheid

ZB 1112: De Saint en de financiers

1950 + 1954 + 1967
Fayard 25. Le Saint et les Femmes (Saint Errant)
ZB 610: De Saint in het harnas (translation:
Original publication in 1951 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De
Saint in het harnas"
Reprinted in 1963 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 610); reprints 1963, 1965 & 1966 (all same cover)
-- Iris (The Old Routine) as "Iris"
-- Lida (The Foolish Frail) as "Lida"
-- Judith (The Naughty Niece) as "Judith"
-- Jeannine (The Lovely Sinner) as "Jeannine"
-- Lucia (The Homecoming of Amadeo Urselli) as "Lucia"
-- Teresa (The Uncertain Widow) as "Teresa". Not in ZB 610. Published in ZB
532 Saint Magazine 4 as "De twijfelachtige weduwe" and in "Saint
Omnibus" as "Het twijfelachtige weduwschap"
-- Luella (The Saint and the Double Badger) as "Luella"
-- Aurore (The Darker Drink) as "Dawn" also in ZB 686 Saint Magazine
11 as "De duistere dronk"
-- Emily (The Doodlebug) Not published in these editions, published in ZB
563 Saint Magazine 6 as "De gouddoos"

1951 + 1963
Fayard 26. Quand le Saint s'en mêle
ZB 633: De Saint en de zieke professor (translation:
Original publication in 1952 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De
Saint en de zieke professor"
Reprinted in 1963 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 633); reprints 1964, 1966, 1967, 1969 & 1972 (all same
-- De Soja à Textile (From Soja to Textile) as "Van 'soja' tot 'textiel'"
-- Au Bord de la tombe (The Man Who Sang) as "Op de rand van het graf"
-- La Tête de la Poupée (Doll with a Broken Head) as "De gebroken pop"
Fayard 27. La Loi du Saint
ZB 1015: De wraak van de Saint (translation:
Eva Raedt de Canter)
Note: The following editions all reference the English titles from the original radio scripts on which Madeleine
Michel-Tyl based this book. Most probably the Dutch edition was nevertheless directly translated from the French
Fayard edition.
Original publication in 1952 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De wraak van de Saint"
Reprinted in 1966 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1015); reprints 1969, 1970 & 1973 (all same cover)
-- Le Casier à Bouteilles (Family Gun Play) as "Duistere gebeurtenissen"
-- Le Carillon (Rare Painting Smugglers) as "Het klokkenspel"
-- Le Tapis Philippin (Murder for a Buried Treasure) as "Het Philippijnse karpet"

1952 + 1966
Fayard 28. Le Saint ramène un héritier
ZB 833: De Saint en de erfgenaam (translation:
J.W. Staalman)
Original publication in 1952 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint en de erfgenaam"
Reprinted in 1964 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 833); reprints 1965, 1966, 1989, 1970 & 1971 (all same
Three interconnected stories:
Une Mission du Saint (The Saint's Mission) as "Deel 1: Een opdracht voor de Saint"
Le Train des Lions (The Lions Train) "Deel 2: De trein der "leeuwen"
King Olsen (King Olsen) as "Deel 3: Koning Olsen"
1952 + 1964
Fayard 29. Le Saint ne veut pas chanter
ZB 469: De Saint rijdt een scheve schaats (translation:
C. Buddingh')
Original publication before 1955 most probably in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint rijdt een scheve
schaats" (not available)
Reprinted in 1961 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 469); reprints 1962 & 1970 (all same cover)

Fayard 30. Le Saint et le canard boiteux
ZB 674: De Saint heeft kiespijn (translation:
C. Buddingh')
Original publication in 1953 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint en de manke eend"
Reprinted in 1963 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 674) as "De Saint heeft kiespijn"; reprints 1964,1965,1966
& 1972 (different colour cover)

1953 + 1963 + 1972
Fayard 31. Le Saint et la veuve noire
ZB 609: De Saint en de zwarte weduwe
(translation: G.J. van Wagensveld)
Original publication in 1963 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 609) as "De Saint en de zwarte weduwe";
reprints 1963, 1965, 1966 & 1975 (all same cover)

Fayard 32. Les Anges appellent le Saint
ZB 91: De kinderen van de Saint (translation:
Original publication in 1957 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 91) as "De kinderen van de Saint" ;
reprints 1968 (different cover) & 1975 (different cover)

1957 + 1968 + 1975
Fayard 33. Le Saint parie sur la mort
ZB 41: De Saint in de wolken (translation:
C. Buddingh')
Original publication in 1956 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 41) as "De Saint in de wolken"; reprints
1965 (different cover), 1967, 1968, 1969, 1972 (slightly different colour) & 1981 (different cover)
Reprinted in "Saint Omnibus" (1984, reprinted around 1995)
Reprinted around 2000 by Unieboek under the imprint "Uniboek Business Class" (© 1965 by Bruna)

1956 + 1965 + 1972 + 1981 + c.2000
Fayard 34. Le Saint refuse une couronne
ZB 470: Zijne hoogheid de Saint
(translation: C. Buddingh')
Original publication in 1954 in "Boek van de Maand" as "Zijne hoogheid de Saint"
Reprinted in 1961 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 470); reprints 1962, 1970 & 1973 (all same cover)
Fayard 35. Le Saint se bat contre un fantôme
ZB 37: De Saint en het levende lijk (translation:
Original publication in 1956 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 37) as "De Saint en het levende lijk";
reprints 1965 (different cover) & 1978 (different cover)

1956 + 1965 + 1978
Fayard 36. Le Saint découvre le virus 13
ZB 675: De Saint speelt met de dood (translation:
C. Buddingh')
Original publication in 1954 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De Saint speelt met de dood" (cover
not available)
Reprinted in 1963 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 675); reprints 1964, 1966 & 1976 (all same cover)

Fayard 37. Le Saint joue avec le feu
Not translated?
Fayard 38. Le Saint contre le triangle
ZB 25: De Saint tegen de driehoek (translation:
Original publication in 1956 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 25) as "De Saint tegen de driehoek";
reprints 1956, 1966 (different cover) & 1978 (different cover)

1956 + 1966 + 1978
Fayard 39. Le Saint au carnaval de Rio
ZB 26: Saints carnaval (translation
: Havank)
Original publication in 1956 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 26) as " Saints carnaval "; reprints
1956, 1965 (different cover), 1968, 1969 & 1980 (different cover)

1956 + 1965 + 1980
Fayard 40. Le Saint et la perroquet vert
ZB 61: De Saint en de groene papegaai (translation:
Original publication in 1956 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 61) as "De Saint en de groene papegaai";
reprints 1968 (different cover), 1969, 1972 & 1981 (different cover)
1956 + 1968 + 1981
Fayard 41. Le Saint condamne sans appel
ZB 79: De Saint in Honolulu (translation
: Havank)
Original publication in 1957 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 79) as "De Saint in Honolulu"; reprints
1968 (different cover), 1969, 1972 & 1980 (different cover)
1957 + 1968 + 1980
Fayard 42. Le Saint choisit la mort douce
ZB 271: De Saint en de vreedzame dood
(translation: Havank)
Original publication in 1960 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 271) as "De Saint en de vreedzame dood";
reprints 1961 (twice), 1962 & 1981 (different cover)

1960 + 1981
Fayard 43. Le Saint chasse la blonde
ZB 83: De Saint en de musketiers (translation:
Original publication in 1958 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 83) as "De Saint en de musketiers";
reprints 1958, 1968 (different cover) & 1980 (different cover)

1958 + 1968 + 1980
Fayard 44. Le Saint devient nourrice sèche
ZB 232: De Saint en de blonde erfgenaam (translation:
Original publication in 1959 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 232) as "De Saint en de blonde erfgenaam";
reprints 1961, 1962 & 1980 (different cover)
1959 + 1980
Fayard 45. The Saint en Europe (The Saint in Europe)
ZB 834: De Saint doet Europa (translation:
J.W. Staalman)
Originally published in 1954 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De
Saint "doet" Europa"
Reprinted in 1964 in "Zwarte Beertjes (nr. 834); reprints 1965, 1968, 1970 & 1971 (all same cover)
-- Paris (The Covetous Headsman) as "Parijs: De begerige beul"
-- Amsterdam (The Angel's Eye) as "Amsterdam: Het engelenoog" also in ZB
904 Saint Magazine 15 also in "Misdaad op bezoek"
-- Rhin (The Rhine Maiden) as "De Rijn: De Lorelei" also in ZB
511 Saint Magazine 2 as "De jonkvrouw van de Rijn"
-- Tyrol (The Golden Journey) as "Innsbruck: De gulden reis"
-- Lucerne (The Loaded Tourist) as "Luzern: De man met de aktentas" also in ZB
577 Saint Magazine 8 as "De smokkelaar als toerist"
-- Juan-les-Pins (The Spanish Cow) as "Juan les Pins: De Spaanse koe"
-- Rome (The Latin Touch) as "Rome: Latijns avontuur"

1954 + 1964
Fayard 46. Le Saint voit une Soucoupe Volante
ZB 170: De Saint en de vliegende schotel (translation:
Note: The English original title is explicitly mentioned in ZB 170, however it is highly unlikely that this edition
was indeed translated from the English.
Original publication in 1959 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 170) as "De Saint en de vliegende schotel";
reprints 1961 (slightly differeny cover colour) & 1978 (different cover)

1959 + 1961 + 1978
Fayard 47. Le Saint devient Pirate
ZB 141: De Saint wordt piraat (translation:
Original publication in 1958 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 141) as "De Saint wordt piraat"; reprints
1958, 1961 (twice), 1968 (slightly different cover colour), 1969 (twice) & 1975 (different cover)
1958 + 1969 + 1975
Fayard 48. Le Saint exige la tête
ZB 171: De Saint eist vergelding (translation:
Original publication in 1958 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 171) as "De Saint eist vergelding";
reprints 1959, 1961 & 1980 (different cover)

1958 + 1980
Fayard 49. Le Saint suit la mode
ZB 272: De Saint en de mode (translation:
Original publication in 1960 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 272) as "De Saint en de mode"; reprints
1960, 1961 & 1981 (different cover)

1960 + 1981
Fayard 50. Premier Prix au Saint
ZB 172: Eerste prijs voor de Saint (translation:
Original publication in 1958 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 172) as "Eerste prijs voor de Saint";
reprints 1959, 1961 & 1980 (different cover)
Reprinted in "Saint Omnibus" (1984, reprinted around 1995)

1959 + 1980
Fayard 51. Le Saint aux Antilles (The Saint on the Spanish Main)
ZB 248: De Saint op de Antillen
(translation: Havank)
Note: Although an original English version has been published prior to the Fayard release, it is certain that the
Dutch translation was based on this French Fayard edition.
Original publication in 1959 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 248) as "De Saint op de Antillen"; reprints
1959, 1961, 1962 & 1980 (different cover)
--Le Pêcheur pris à l'hameçon (The Effete Angler) as "Bimini: De visser aan de haak"
-- La Flèche de Dieu (The Arrow of God) as "Nassau: De schacht Gods" also in ZB
577 "Saint Magazine 8" as "Gods pijlen"
-- Le Commissaire Noir (The Black Commissar) as "Jamaica: De zwarte commissaris"
-- Tristan, c'est Yseult (The Unkind Philantropist) as "Porto-Rico: Tristan, 't is.... Ysolde"
-- Une Chasse au Trésor (The Old Treasure Story) as "Iles Vierges: De verloren schat"
-- J'irai à Sibao (The Questing Tycoon) as 'Haiti: "Ik ga naar Sibao...."

1959 + 1980
Fayard 52. J'accuse le Saint
ZB 249: Ik beschuldig de Saint (translation:
Original publication in 1959 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 249) as "Ik beschuldig de Saint"; reprints
1961, 1962 & 1981 (different cover)

1959 + 1981
Fayard 53. Greta emballe le Saint
ZB 273: De Saint in slavernij (translation:
Original publication in 1959 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 273) as "De Saint in slavernij"; reprints
1960, 1961 & 1981 (different cover)

1960 + 1981
Fayard 54. Plus fort que le Saint
ZB 274: Sterker dan de Saint (translation:
Original publication in 1960 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 274) as "Sterker dan de Saint"; reprint
1961 (same cover)

Fayard 55. Vive le Saint
ZB 343: Leve de Saint (translation:
Original publication in 1960 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 343) as "Leve de Saint"; reprints 1961,
1962, 1970 & 1973 (all same cover)

Fayard 56. Le Spectre du Saint
ZB 324: Het spook van de Saint (translation:
Original publication in 1960 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 324) as "Het spook van de Saint"; reprints
1961(twice) (same cover)

Fayard 57. Le Saint autour du Monde (The Saint Around the World)
ZB 419: Kris-kras de Saint (translation
John Hoogland)
Original publication in 1961 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 419) as "Kris-kras de Saint"; reprint
1962 (same cover)
-- Un Modèle de patience (The Patient Playboy) as "De geduldige boemelaar"
-- Un Mari de Talent (The Talented Husband) as "Echtgenoot en gros". Also in ZB
532 "Saint Magazine 4" as "De talentvolle echtgenoot"
-- Chez les Nudistes (The Reluctant Nudist) as "De weerbarstige naaktloper"
-- Le Saint devient Sourcier (The Lovelorn Sheik) as "De verliefde sjeik"
-- Une Femme Parfaite (The Pluperfect Lady) as "De volmaakte dame"
-- Quand le poisson a sa chance (The Sporting Chance) as "De eerlijke kans"

Fayard 58. Le Saint et le tyran
ZB 342: De Saint en de tiran (translation:
Original publication in 1960 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 342) as "De Saint en de tiran"; reprints
1961 &1962 (same cover)

Fayard 59. L'enfer attend le Saint
ZB 396: De Saint in het inferno
(translation: Havank)
Original publication in 1960 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 396) as "De Saint in het inferno"; reprints
1961,1962 & 1970 (all same cover)

Fayard 60. Le Saint contre les cagoules grises
ZB 395: De Saint en de grijze pijen (translation:
Original publication in 1961 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 395) as "De Saint en de grijze pijen";
reprints 1961 &1962 (same cover)

Fayard 61. Le Saint à Paris
ZB 323: De Saint in Parijs (translation:
Original publication in 1960 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 323) as "De Saint in Parijs"; reprints
1961 &1975 (different cover)
1960 + 1975
Fayard 62. Sacrifions le Saint
ZB 797: De Saint wordt geofferd (translation:
Dolf Verroen)
Original publication in 1965 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 797) as "De Saint wordt geofferd"; reprints
1966 &1969 (same cover)

Fayard 63. Merci le Saint! (Thanks to the Saint)
ZB 420: Met dank aan de Saint (translation:
John Hoogland)
Original publication in 1961 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 420) as "Met dank aan de Saint"; reprints
1962 &1963 (same cover)
-- Le Saint n'aime pas les escrocs (The Bunco Artists) as "Luchtkastelenbouwers"
-- Gibet à Louer (The Happy Suicide) as "De opgewekte zelfmoordenaar"
-- Un Médicament du Tonnerre (The Good Medicine) as "De ware medicijn"
-- Le Mot Accusateur (The Unescapable Word) as "Het verraderlijke woord"
-- Le Gogo Ideal (The Perfect Sucker) as "De volmaakte idioot"
-- La Machine Infernale (The Careful Terrorist) as "De voorzichtige terrorist".

Fayard 64. The Saint prend l' affut
ZB 533: De Saint op de loer (translation:
Annie den Hertog-Pothoff)
Original publication in 1962 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 533) as "De Saint op de loer"; reprints
1963, 1965, 1966 & 1976 (all same cover)

English-language edition: The Saint in pursuit
ZB 1490: De Saint op de loop (translation:
Tuuk Buytenhuys)
Original publication in 1972 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1490) as "De Saint op de loop"; no known
Note: Although the story is the same, accents go on different things, there are order differences and whatever.
Probably Dutch is the only language where both versions of the book were available in a single language.

Fayard 65. A l'eau, le Saint!
ZB 796: De Saint te water (translation:
G.J. van Wagensveld)
Original publication in 1964 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 796) as "De Saint te water"; reprints
1965, 1966, 1968 &1969 (all same cover)
Reprinted around 2000 by Unieboek under the imprint "Uniboek Business Class" (© 1964 Bruna)

1964 + c.2000
Fayard 66. Le Saint au volant
ZB 534: De Saint aan het stuur
(translation: Maarten Beks)
Original publication in 1962 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 534) as "De Saint aan het stuur"; reprints
1963, 1965 & 1976 (all same cover)

Fayard 67. Pas de Vacances pour le Saint (Señor Saint)
ZB 519: Señor Saint (translation:
Caspar Hendriks)
Original publication in 1962 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 519) as "Señor Saint"; reprint
1970 (same cover)
-- Les Perles de Paix (The Pearls of Peace) as "De parels van de vrede" also in "Meesters der misdaad"
as "De vredesparels"
-- Escroquerie à la Révolution (The Revolution Racket) as "De prijs der revolutie"
-- Une Femme Romanesque (The Romantic Matron) as "Een avontuurlijke vrouw"
-- La Grenouille d'Or (The Golden Frog) as "De gouden kikker"

Fayard 68. Le Saint au Bois Dormant
ZB 535: De Saint en de schone slaapster
(translation: Annie den Hertog-Pothoff)
Note: The English original title is explicitly mentioned in ZB 535, however it is highly unlikely that this edition
was indeed translated from the English.
Original publication in 1962 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 535) as "De Saint en de schone slaapster";
reprints 1963 & 1979 (different cover)
1962 + 1979
Fayard 69. Les atouts du Saint (The Brightest Buccaneer & The Saint Intervenes &
The Happy Highwayman) (translation:
Alfred de Swarte)
Note: Although this Fayard edition is based on short collections originally published in English, it is certain
that the Dutch translation of ZB 742 was based on this French Fayard edition.
Original publication in 1964 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 742) as "Troef
voor de Saint"; reprint 1965 (same cover)
+ From The Brighter Buccaneer:
-- Un Mauvais Propriétaire (The Unpopular Landlord) as "Een kwaaie huisbaas".
From The Saint Intervenes (translation: Havank; see Fayard 24) à Stories partly in Fayard 24 and partly
in Fayard 69
-- L'Hélicoptère Newdick (The Newdick Helicopter) as "De Newdick-helicopter" aka "De
-- Une Leçon de Conduite (The Sleepless Knight) as "Een lesje in gedrag" aka "De slapeloze
-- Une Demoiselle en Détresse (The Damsel in Distress) as "Een jongedame in moeilijkheden".
-- Une Charmante Famille (The Loving Brothers) as "Een leuke familie" aka "Broederliefde".
-- Un Placement à Long-Terme (The Tall Timber) as "Belegging op lange termijn" aka "Hoge
bomen in Brazilie".
-- Choc en Retour (The Art Photographer) as "Terugslag" aka "De kunstfotograaf"
-- Le Saint Devient Alchimiste (The Mixture as Before) as "De Saint als alchemist" aka "Naar het
oude recept"
"The Uncritical Publisher" as "De uitgeslapen uitgever" (not included in Fayard 69; for the
Bruna publication see Fayard 24 / Nr. 1112)
"The Noble Sportsman" as "De voortreffelijke sportsman" (not included in Fayard 69; for the
Bruna publication see Fayard 24 / Nr. 1112)
+ From The Happy Highwayman: (translation:
Havank; see Fayard 24) à Stories partly in Fayard 24 and partly in Fayard 69)
-- L'Homme qui croyait avoir de la chance (The Man Who Was Lucky) as "De man, die dacht dat hij geluk had"
aka "De geluksvogel"
-- Un Détective à la Coule (The Smart Detective) as "Een pientere detective" aka "De
gehaaide detective"
ZB 742: Troef voor de Saint

Fayard 70. Le Saint et Patricia (Meet the Tiger)
ZB 219: De Saint en de tijger
(translation: Havank)
Original publication in 1936; then in 1952 in "Boek van de Maand" as "De tijger"
Reprinted in 1959 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 219) as "De Saint en de tijger"; reprints 1961,
1963 (different cover), 1970 & 1980 (different cover)

1936 + 1952 + 1959 + 1963 + 1980
Fayard 71. Le Saint au Mexique
Not published by Bruna.
Fayard 72. Le Saint et le Dernier Héros (The Last Hero)
ZB 3: De Saint grijpt in (aka
De laatste held) (translation:
Originally published in 1936 as "De laatste held"; series and binding unknown
Reprinted in 1955 in "Zwarte Beertjes" as "De Saint grijpt in"; reprints 1966 (different cover)
& 1978 (different cover)
1936 + 1955 + 1966 + 1978
Fayard 73. Le Saint en Afrique
Not published by Bruna.
Fayard 74. Le Saint à la rescousse (The Saint to the Rescue)
ZB 743: Gered door de Saint (translation:
A.D. Hildebrand)
Original publication in 1964 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 743) as "Gered door de Saint"; reprints
1965 & 1966 (same cover)
-- Une Femme Aimante (The Ever-Loving Spouse) as "De liefhebbende echtgenote"
-- Un Terrain qui rapporte (The Fruitful Land) as "Het vruchtbare land"
-- Pair et Impair (The Percentage Player) as "De valsspeler"
-- Le Marchand d'Eau (The Water Merchant) as "De waterhandelaar"
-- Les Gentes Dames (The Gentle Ladies) as "De lieftallige dames"
-- Le Saint sème le doute (The Element of Doubt) as "Bij gebrek aan bewijs"

Fayard 75. Le Saint Retrouve Greta
Not published by Bruna.
Fayard 76. Encore le Saint! (The Brighter Buccaneer)
Not published by Bruna ?
-- Les Travailleurs Intellectuels (The Brain Workers)
-- Le Saint s'occupe d'exportation (The Export Trade)
-- Le Handicap des Propriétaires (The Owners' Handicap)
-- Un Dur de Dur (The Tough Egg)
-- Un Curieux Baron (The Bad Baron)
-- Le Bouddha de Cuivre (The Brass Buddha). In "Detective omnibus" also in ZB
549 "Saint Magazine 5" as "De bronzen boedda"
-- Le Saint donne la question (The Appalling Politician)
-- Une Escroquerie Nouvelle (The New Swindle)
-- Un Baiser de Cinq Mille Livres (The Five Thousand Pound Kiss)
-- Le Marchand d'Oseille (The Green Goods Man)
-- Le Talon d'Achille (The Blind Spot)
-- Une Conclusion Inattendue (The Unusual Ending)
Fayard 77. Faites confiance au Saint (Trust the Saint)
Not published by Bruna.
-- Le Précieux Pirate (The Helpful Pirate). In ZB 512 "Saint
Magazine 3" as "De hulpvaardige piraat", also in "Saint
-- Le Gros Gibier (The Bigger Game) In ZB 510 "Saint Magazine 1" as "De gevaarlijkste sport"
-- Une Opération de Propreté (The Cleaner Cure)
-- Le Réformateur Intempérant (The Intemperate Reformer). In ZB
549 "Saint Magazine 5" as "De pseudo-geheelonthouder".
-- L'Incurable Cabotin (The Uncured Ham). In ZB 631 "Saint Magazine
9" as "De mislukte Hamlet".
-- De l'Utilité d'un Monstre (The Convenient Monster) In "Spannende Science Fiction" and "In
de klinische disco" as "Het monster dat goed van pas kwam"
Fayard 78. Le Saint au Soleil (The Saint in the Sun)
Not published by Bruna.
-- La Meilleure Souricière (The Better Mousetrap)
-- L'Affreux Impressario (The Ugly Impresario). In ZB 632 "Saint Magazine
10" as "De lelijke impresario".
-- Un Avare Prodigue (The Prodigal Miser). In ZB 632 "Saint Magazine
10" as "De verkwistende vrek".
-- Deux Femmes Rapides (The Fast Women)
-- Le Joyeux Croque-Mort (The Jolly Undertaker). In ZB 631 "Saint
Magazine 9" as "De vrolijke begrafenisondernemer".
-- Le Prisonnier Russe (The Russian Prisoner). In ZB 752 "Saint Magazine
14" as "De Russische gevangene".
-- L'Héritière sans espoir (The Hopeless Heiress)
Vendetta pour le Saint (Vendetta for the Saint)
ZB 934: Vendetta voor de Saint
(translation: M. Brinkman)
Original publication in 1965 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 934) as "Vendetta voor de Saint"; reprints
1966, 1968 & 1969 (twice) (all same cover)

Le Saint et le Collier des Hapbsbourg (The Saint and the Hapsburg Necklace)
ZB 1745: De Saint en de Habsburgse ketting
(translation: Lucie Bartel)
Original publication in 1977 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1745) as "De Saint en de Habsburgse ketting";
no known reprints

LeSaint et les Faussaires (Catch the Saint)
ZB 1728: Vang de Saint (translation:
Tuuk Buijtenhuijs)
Original publication in 1977 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1728) as "Vang de Saint"; no known reprints
-- Le Marchand de Chefs d'Oeuvre (The Masterpiece Merchant) as "De handelaar in meesterwerken"
-- L'Héritière Amoureuse (The Adoring Socialite) as "Rijk en verliefd"

Le Saint à la Télévision (The Saint on TV)
ZB 1210: De Saint op TV (translation:
Tuuk Buijtenhuijs)
Original publication in 1968 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1210) as "De Saint op TV"; reprint 1970
(same cover)
-- Le Jeu ou la Mort (The Death Game) as "Moordenaartje spelen"
-- L'Artiste de la Puissance (The Power Artist) as "De Saint onder de hippies"

Le Saint se fâche (The Saint in Trouble)
ZB 1883: De Saint in de knel (translation:
Dees Postma)
Original publication in 1980 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1883) as "De Saint in de knel"; no known
-- Le Professeur Imprudent (The Imprudent Professor) as " De onvoorzichtige professor"
-- Le Sabbat Rouge (The Red Sabbath) (One Black September) as " De rode Sabbath"

The Saint Returns
ZB 1258: De Saint keert terug
(translation: Faber Heeresma)
Original publication in 1969 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1258) as "De Saint keert terug"; reprint
1970 (same cover)
-- The dizzy daughter as " De dwaze dochter"
-- The gadget lovers as " De explosie liefhebbers"

The Saint Abroad
ZB 1342: De Saint en de kunstminnaars (translation:
Annemarie Giesbers)
Original publication in 1970 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1342) as "De Saint en de kunstminnaars";
no known reprints
-- The art collectors as " De Saint en de kunstminnaars"
-- The persistent patriots as " De onplooibare patriotten"

The Saint and the fiction makers
ZB 1375: De Saint en de praatjesmakers(translation:
J. Niesen)
Original publication in 1970 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1375) as "De Saint en de praatjesmakers";
no known reprints

The Saint and the people importers
ZB 1489: De Saint en de mensenhandelaren (translation:
Margreet Hirs)
Original publication in 1972 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1489) as "De Saint en de mensenhandelaren";
no known reprints

Send for the Saint
ZB 1818: Stuur de Saint (translation: W.G. Voges)
Original publication in 1979 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1818) as "Stuur de Saint"; no known
-- The Midas double as "Midas' dubbelganger"
-- The pawn gambit as "Gambiet met pion"

The Saint and the Templars' Treasure
ZB 1884: De Saint en de schat van de tempeliers
(translation: Lucie Bartel)
Original publication in 1980 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 1884) as "De Saint en de schat van de tempeliers";
no known reprints

Count on the Saint
ZB 2033: Op de Saint kun je rekenen (translation:
Geert van Linschoten)
Original publication in 1982 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 2033) as "Op de Saint kun je rekenen";
no known reprints
-- The pastors' problem as "Het probleem van de pastoor"
-- The unsaintly santa as "De niet zo vrome kerstman"

Salvage for the Saint
ZB 2148: Bergloon voor de Saint (translation:
Lucie Bartel)
Original publication in 1984 in "Zwarte Beertjes" (nr. 2148) as "Bergloon voor de Saint"; no
known reprints
Reprinted by "Trendboek", ©1987

1984 + 1987
Capture the Saint (by Burl Barer)
1997. Published by The Saint Club. Not translated into Dutch.
